
Ravioli and meat sauce from Fino's, plus fresh bread and spinach from Marty's kitchen.


Marty and Adam are both not quite done being horribly sick. Marty, in his infinite mercy, picked a movie that was barely over an hour long so we could all get some sleep. Awesome flick, though. Dr. Moreau: What is the law? Sayer of the Law: Not to eat meat, that is the law. Are we not men? Beasts (in unison): Are we not men? Dr. Moreau: What is the law? Sayer of the Law: Not to go on all fours, that is the law. Are we not men? Beasts (in unison): Are we not men? Dr. Moreau: What is the law? Sayer of the Law: Not to spill blood, that is the law. Are we not men? Beasts (in unison): Are we not men?

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Be sure to ask Marty about going vegan ☮